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As November settles in, we’re starting to feel that familiar chill in the air here in Oregon. It’s a reminder that winter is just around the corner, and there are a few essential steps we can take to prepare for the colder months ahead.

Fireplace and Wood Stove Safety: If you plan to use a fireplace or wood stove for emergency heating, it’s important to have your chimney or flue inspected each year. For a trusted inspector, you can reach out to your local fire department for recommendations or find one in the yellow pages under “chimney cleaning.”

Stay Warm, Stay Safe: With age, our ability to sense temperature changes decreases, and older individuals are more susceptible to cold-related health issues. If you’re over 65, consider placing an easy-to-read thermometer in an indoor location where you’ll see it frequently. Regularly check the temperature of your home during the winter months to ensure it’s comfortable and safe.

Protect Your Water Supply: Insulate any water lines that run along exterior walls to reduce the risk of freezing. To keep your home cozy and energy-efficient, consider adding weather-stripping, insulation, insulated doors, storm windows, or thermal-pane windows where possible.

Pet Safety: Don’t forget about our furry friends! If you have pets, it’s time to bring them indoors. If that’s not possible, make sure they have adequate shelter to keep warm, and ensure they have access to unfrozen water.

As we embrace the cozy months of winter, let’s make sure our homes are safe, warm, and ready for whatever the season brings. Stay snug and enjoy the beauty of the Oregon fall!

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